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SELAH 2022-23 Member Survey

indicates a required answer

We value member feedback and would love for you to assist us in guiding SELAH into the coming year. Your responses will be kept anonymous.

We also value your time, so only questions with a red asterisk (*) require an answer -- all other questions are optional, and are your opportunity to share those wonderful ideas and feedback.

Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts.


1. *

Park Day

How often did you attend SELAH Park Days this year?

Frequently Sometimes
Only for SELAH Special Events Never
2. *

Park Day Location

Which park(s) were your family's favorite this year?  Check all that apply

 (1 required)
Breckenridge Park in Richardson Community Park in Wylie
Murphy Central Park in Murphy North Hill Park in Murphy
Timbers Nature Preserve in Murphy Water's Edge Park in Murphy
Not Applicable (I did not attend)

Park Day Suggestion

Do you have suggestions for a park to add to the rotation?

4. *

Park Day Structure

My family finds the following park day activities beneficial (please check all that apply):

 (1 required)
Monthly Birthday Celebrations Parent/Volunteer-Led Organized Games
Free Play N/A- We don't attend park day

Park Day Feedback

Please share feedback regarding park days.

Aside from scheduling, what would make you more likely to attend park day in the future?

6. *

Field Trips

How many field trips did your family attend this year?

1-2 trips 3 or more trips
7. *

Field Trip Travel Distance

How far would you be willing to travel to a field trip?

30-minute driving distance from Wylie 1 hour driving distance from Wylie
2 hour driving distance from Wylie I don't attend field trips
8. *

Field Trip Cost

How much would you be willing to spend per person for a field trip?

$5 or less $6 - $10
$11 - $20 More than $20 for the right trip

Field Trip Suggestions/Feedback

Suggestions for future field trip destinations? What would make you more likely to attend field trips in the future?


Social Events Feedback

Please provide any feedback about any SELAH-sponsored social events that were (or will be) held this year.

Events Included:

Cardboard Boat Regatta / Fall Pumpkin Painting Party / Fall Craft Fair / Kids’ Christmas Party (Obstacle Warrior Kids)

Talent Show / Valentine's Skate Party / Ronald McDonald House Service Project / Easter Egg Hunt / End of Year Lake Day (upcoming or last year's)




Social Events Suggestions

Please provide any suggestions for future SELAH-sponsored social events.

Please include if you are willing to volunteer to help organize the event.

12. *

Mom2Mom Topics

Please select the topic(s) you enjoyed the most this year. Choose all that apply

 (1 required)
New Member Meeting and kickoff Party (August) Teaching from Rest discussion (September)
Craft Night (October) Kristi Belt Dyslexia Talk (November)
Favorite Things Christmas party (December) A day in the Life of (January)
Caring through Sharing Night (February) Moms of Grads panel (March)
Sally Clarkson: Life Giving Words (April) Bunco Game Night (May)
Not applicable (I did not attend)

Mom2Mom Suggestions

Please share any suggestions for future Mom2Mom topics and/or guest speakers.


Mom2Mom Feedback

Please provide any feedback about Mom2Mom from this year. 

For example, did you like the topics, activities, format, etc.? 

15. *

Resources (Website)

How often do you check the website for updates about what's going on?

Often (weekly) Occasionally (monthly)
Once In Awhile (1-2 times per year) Rarely

Resources (Website Feedback)

Please provide feedback regarding the website, sign-up's, calendar and/or forums.

For example, are the forums helpful and easy to use? Did you post any events to the calendar, and if so, was it easy to use?

17. *


How do you find out about SELAH events best? Please check all that apply.

 (1 required)
Website Homepage Saturday Email Update (auto-generated by the website calendar)
Emails sent about specific events Mom2Mom announcements
Word of mouth N/A

Additional Feedback

Any additional feedback you would like to include?